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품명 The Tragicomedy of Public Education
상품코드 P0000GWC
주문수량 수량증가수량감소
분류 도서
ISBN 1-57861-682-4
결제수단 카드 결제, 무통장 입금 / 공기관 후불, 적립금, 실시간 계좌이체
판매값 *전화,견적*

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The Tragicomedy of Public Education

The sad and almost comical ways in which our public schools function

The tragedy is that our public schools work so poorly. The comedy is the off target comments about educational reform made by educators, business leaders, secretaries of education, presidents, and congress. Mathematical impossibilities, pompous postmodern pap, seemingly scholarly non-sequiturs, and lot of other nonsense give us much to laugh about.

2011 Silver Medalist in the Education/Academic/Teaching category of the Independent Publisher Book Awards.

Finalist in the 2012 Erick Hoffer Book Awards.



Laughing is good for you, so see the humor and laugh before you cry, says the author James M. Kauffman, Professor Emeritus of Education at the University of Virginia. Public education doesn't have to be tragicomic. If we think better and act wisely, we can make education what it should be. The author tells us where to start.

Softbound book, 222 pages, 2010.

Available as a printed book or as an Attainment eBook download! See the eBook tab above.


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“One of the most important books ever written about education, and one of the best written.”
Dr. Barbara Bateman,

best selling special education author

“. . . we have a host of suggestions for fixing educational problems . . . ‘feel good’ solutions that help nobody but those offering them. Kauffman slices through the nonsense . . .
. . . this book is for people who are serious about understanding and improving American education.”

Dr. Frederick J. Brigham,
George Mason University

“. . . this is the book you must read if you really want to understand why schools are the way they are today . . . written in Kauffman’s standard witty, yet brilliant, style.“
Dr. Betty Hallenbeck, PhD,

Special Education


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